
December 2,2015

DOE 14a Electric Drive Vehicle Batteries

  • Release Date:11-02-2015
  • Open Date:11-30-2015
  • Due Date:12-21-2015
  • Close Date:02-09-2016

 Applications are sought to develop electrochemical energy storage technologies which support commercialization of micro, mild, and full HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs. Some specific improvements of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: new low-cost materials; high voltage and high temperature non-carbonate electrolytes; improvements in manufacturing processes, speed, or yield; novel SEI stabilization techniques for silicon anodes; improved cell/pack design minimizing inactive material; significant improvement in specific energy (Wh/kg) or energy density (Wh/L); and improved safety. Applications must clearly demonstrate how they advance the current state of the art and meet the relevant performance metrics listed at www.uscar.org/guest/article_view.php?articles_id=85.

When appropriate, the technology should be evaluated in accordance with applicable test procedures or recommended practices as published by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC). These test procedures can be found at www.uscar.org/guest/article_view.php?articles_id=86. Phase I feasibility studies must be evaluated in full cells (not half cells) greater than 200mAh in size while Phase II technologies should be demonstrated in full cells greater than 2Ah. Applications will be deemed non-responsive if the proposed technology is high cost; requires substantial infrastructure investments or industry standardization to be commercially viable; and/or cannot accept high power recharge pulses from regenerative breaking or has other characteristics that prohibit market penetration.

Questions – Contact: Brian Cunningham, brian.cunningham@ee.doe.gov


1. U.S. DRIVE Partnership Electrical and Electronics Technical Team Roadmap, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/pdfs/program/eett_roadmap_june2013.pdf

2. EV Everywhere Grand Challenge Blueprint, http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/02/f8/eveverywhere_blueprint.pdf